Developmental Group
Bright Start offers a developmental group for children ages 18 months to 36 months. Developmental group provide attention to each child’s individual needs and encourage all children to become more independent in a safe and nurturing environment. These groups include children with a wide range of strengths and abilities.
Overview of our Group​
Classes run for one hour, have a maximum of 6 children, and are led by a certified speech pathologist and a certified occupational therapist.
Each class consists of planned, hands-on activities include developing each child’s motor, personal/social, communication and cognitive skills.
Our classroom routine consists of free choice time, fine motor (craft) activities, snack, and gross and sensory motor time. Each class session concludes with parent participation in closing circle activities.
Age of children attending: 18-36 months
Supervision within class: 1 Speech Pathologist and 1 Occupational Therapist
Current Class Days/ Times: Monday-Thursdays, 9am-10am, 10:15am -11:15 am, and 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
We look forward to having you join us for a year of fun and learning in the classroom!